Wednesday 19 March 2014

Birth of My Blog

Before planning a baby, parents have to take care of so many things especially savings. So many thoughts cloud your mind-Would they be able to give baby a good life, education and environment? If parents are Poor, they cannot feed their child properly also cannot provide a healthy environment. If parents want their child to be healthy, they have to feed them good food, nourish their minds with good thoughts and provide them blossoming atmosphere.
So it is a big responsibility to be a parent. This responsibility is doubled when single parent is taking care of a child as he/she will have to play double role of mother and father. You must have read and heard ‘Child is future of any nation’. But it is not necessary that the child I am mentioning here should be human only. It can be anything or anybody like pets, books, movies, your job, mobile, computer and endless things. Yes! You can be a parent at young age.
I was knee deep in confusion that I should have a baby Blog or not? Because of my reticence he/she/it should not be deprived from “Another world”(Internet world). So I gave a thought to plan him. I was very new to this world so very first thing I asked Ami, my colleague or I should say office friend, about how to start and what should I do? Ami was so much into these things or you can say that so many of my office friends are into this stuff. So after lots of thinking one fine day I thought to give birth to this baby of mine.  She explained the whole process to me and then I decided to start. For having a baby first you have to yourself take baby steps. For starting a website first thing required was name. It is very important to give a name to your baby because a nameless pet can belong to anyone. Possessive Huh!
I got confused what to name it. I asked all my near and dear ones as we do when a child is born. But in this case it seemed that only I was excited as no real baby was involved. They all put me on hold and didn’t get back to me.
One day Ami came and I asked her in a sarcastic way if she is still thinking on name. She decided to help me out. It was morning 11. We thought for about half an hour on what to name. She suddenly came with SERENDIPITY. I liked the name. But Harsh, another office friend, was not convinced with it. For a while I gave name SERENDIPITY a good churning in my mind. It has a reflection of my whole life.
I believe in nature. Nature is so unpredictable. You never know what will happen next. But there is chain of unexpected fortune in my life. We have decided to name it- Serendipity. Than it took us two more hours to cut the umbilical cord and introduce it to the world. We were stuck on URL name because it cannot be changed later. And on 13th March, 2014 at 1.43 pm, he was born in internet world. Of course this story would be incomplete without mentioning Shree Shree Shree Vishal Shah. He suggested me to tell the whole story behind baby blog. And this story title ‘Birth of My Blog’ credit goes to Pratiksha Dave.

And today after 7 days he is ready to walk in the aisle. Here he is. He is saying story of his birth to you.


  1. બ્લોગ જગતમાં તમારું સ્વાગત છે.. વેલકમ!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aweeee.... We missed its baby shower though! ;-)
    All the best! Baby gonna see And learn alot more in this nerw world... :)
    Pinkieee Promise... :P

    1. because of you ppl baby is in this world
      so you didnt miss any special moment of him
      thank you

  4. શરૂઆતમાં લાગ્યું કે આ શું બકવાસ છે!!! પરંતુ જેમ જેમ લાગણીઓ શબ્દો પર હાવી થતી ગઈ ત્યારે લાગ્યું કે શું વાત છે... વેલકમ...

    1. honest comments will always be welcome
      thank you

  5. Wishing you this beautiful baby would become more and more affluent by your efforts. Ultimately babies are future of our nation. ;)

  6. Like the way you represent it. This article shows very nature of Humans and their feelings about born or unborn baby. No matter weather its real human baby or some thing of their own creativity and productivity of mind. A bond of true feeling is always there.
