Friday 14 November 2014

Lots of thank you Maa on this Children's Day

       Today is Children’s Day. Friedrich Nietzsche said “In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play”. It is very important to keep alive the child in you. And who can do it better than your own Mother. Whatever your age be, 30 or 40 you will be always a child for your mother. She will take care of your all needs.
           She knows when you are hungry. She knows when you are upset. She knows what you want. The moment you are born into this world, doctor cuts the umbilical cord and you are detached from your mother. But you are always connected with her with an invisible cord.  When you are away from her she can sense that there is some danger looming upon you and inform you the same. She has that sense. We should thanks our mother for keeping us alive, loved and pampered. Every human being is a child from inside and this they owe to their mother. For that Love you Maa. Happy Children’s Day.

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