Friday 26 December 2014

Friday 14 November 2014

Lots of thank you Maa on this Children's Day

       Today is Children’s Day. Friedrich Nietzsche said “In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play”. It is very important to keep alive the child in you. And who can do it better than your own Mother. Whatever your age be, 30 or 40 you will be always a child for your mother. She will take care of your all needs.
           She knows when you are hungry. She knows when you are upset. She knows what you want. The moment you are born into this world, doctor cuts the umbilical cord and you are detached from your mother. But you are always connected with her with an invisible cord.  When you are away from her she can sense that there is some danger looming upon you and inform you the same. She has that sense. We should thanks our mother for keeping us alive, loved and pampered. Every human being is a child from inside and this they owe to their mother. For that Love you Maa. Happy Children’s Day.

Monday 2 June 2014

I want to be born

I want to be born
I was in heaven with god
God showed me beautiful world
I felt like to go down to earth

After month I was in market with my mother
I got scared by the crowd
My mother bought my favorite fruit
In a moment crowd dispersed
Police came and started searching for bomb
I could have been killed
My mother saved my life

I was watching TV with my mother
News was scaring me
I felt suffocated
My mother switched off TV
My mother took care of me

She read me a newspaper
It was same news I was watching on TV
Momma stopped reading
She kissed me with her hand
In few minutes I fell asleep

Momma woke up so early so do I
She started cooking for dad
She fed me first
I feel she loves me more than anything
Dad was scolding her
I didn’t understand relation between them
Momma didn’t mind that
She protected me from all bad things

Mother’s friend came to see me
She told my mother to take care of me
Outside communal riots took place
I was so young to understand Hindu and Muslim
God taught me only about human
He didn’t mention cast, creed, and discrimination

When I was with God
He taught me about love, care and humanity
Earth was so different than god described it to me
How can he be wrong in what he created?

My mother loves me that’s all that matters to me
She loves reading and so me too
Whole nation would be waiting for newspaper
National budget is important for whole country
She was so much worried after reading
But she didn’t let me sense her worries

She was worried about my education
Schools and colleges are costly
Without money and education
Earth is no good place to live
But she held her strong
She promised me to give a good life

I was walking in the park with momma
Old aunty told momma to take care of me
Last month one baby was kidnapped
He was found physically abused and dead
I got very scared and told momma
I don’t want to come outside
Momma consoled me
I agreed with her

I just came out of trauma
Second day I heard about woman atrocity
People from the globe were concerned
She was raped and killed
After few days again the same news flashed
Rape was becoming fashion
I was crying inside
Momma was trying to calm me
I love when she caresses my hair

Accused often turns freeman
Girl was poor she was unable to fight
If you are true than too you have to buy justice
I don’t want to be born
I don’t want to see this world

God I don’t want to go on the earth
Your creation would be other world
This is not the world you told me
I am in womb and I saw all this
What if someday I will be a victim?
Will you come for my rescue?
If you come to rescue people
Why all those have faced death
Why they all are helpless

From last three months I have seen too much
Everywhere Corruption, Atrocity, Inhumanity
I will be with you only
God convince me to stay some more days
I agreed with him

My mother was reading Gandhi
I understood the power of common man
She read about Abraham Lincoln
I understood justice and equality
People who changed the world
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King
They influenced me to be born

You are very smart God
You are sending me to change the world
I am sorry I misunderstood you
I will change the world
And try to make it the way you have created

Momma has pain in stomach
She was worried about me
Dad took her to the hospital
Doctor checked and medicated her
She was feeling much better
I said sorry to my mother for hurting her
She said you are my life, you can never hurt me
Momma hugs me and we both fell asleep

Dad wanted to know my gender
Doctor denied revealing
Dad bribed doctor
Doctor said baby girl

I was so excited to be girl
Because beautiful creation of world
God made nothing as beautiful as woman
Thank you god
If I cannot be Gandhi or Lincoln
I will make my son Gandhi or Lincoln
I am woman
I can be Mother Teresa and Kiran Bedi

I suddenly heard some noise and woke up
Momma was on floor
Dad beat her
And I was the reason
I felt very bad, I am inside
I cannot help my mom
Momma told me that before you
Your dad killed two sisters of yours

Momma please don’t let me die this time
I want to be born
I want to change the world
God created many powerful women
And I am also one of them
I will never let you down

In the evening
Dad again shouted on her, beat her
My mother was so strong
But she collide with table
Dad doesn’t want me to be in the world
How should I tell to my dad?
I won’t be burden on him
I will help you in every way I can

Momma gets sick in the morning
She had to be admitted in the hospital
Dad talked to doctor
Momma was in sleep
She was taken in to operation theatre
I knew everything but unable to tell her
There were two nurses beside momma

I understood what they were trying to do
They wanted to kill me
I screamed Momma
I want to be born please
I was badly crying
Momma please wake up
They are going to kill me
I want to be born
I want to change the world
I want to give you good life
I will be good kid
I will be helpful domestically
I will be your baby boy in need
Please wake up and save my life
I want to be born

Momma they have broken my hand
It hurts too much
They broke my leg and it’s paining
They cut my head and put in the dish
Momma now I am no more in your womb
But I wanted to say
That I loved these three months
We spent whole time together
I wanted to be your daughter
But I don’t exist
They threw my body part in dustbin
I was scared of inhumanity
But I got courage to face it

I was not ready to go on the planet
But god convinced me
I cannot blame him
He sent me to change the world
But world doesn’t want change
They are used to insensivity crime
When they will need change
They will let me born

And believe me I want to be born

Wednesday 28 May 2014

 Turtles Can Fly
     Thousand thoughts in mind, what to think and what to believe, speechless this could be your situation after watching TURTLES CAN FLY. Is it really war-drama film? Director Bahaman Ghobadi’s Kurdish war drama was released in 2004. It has huge impact of mind that you won’t be able to get rid of hangover at least for a week. I saw recently TURTLES CAN FLY and it inspired me to write this article.
     Story line is strongly engaging. You will drown into drama -feel emotional about the struggle for life. It could have been a beautiful love story.  But the fact is war never gives anything beautiful and never creates beautiful stories. It is always depressing and heart screeching. Why women have to suffer whether in war or in peaceful times? Sometime it feels that the beauty of woman is only her enemy or her ability to give birth to a child is a big curse rather than a boon. A woman who gets raped is ashamed for what happened to her but what about man who raped her. They don’t have shame or any emotion near to that. It seems that they are not human but some other species upon whom gift of emotion is not endowed by god Why only a woman is considered honor of the house in the society because she is the one who stays all the time in house and man all the time stays in others house? Even after centuries this old questions are unanswered and remained questions. The questions my friend are blowing in the wind...
      Do you think birth of child can make women mature and can develop natural affinity towards the child? Does it give natural maturity to one who mothers? What if girl becomes mother before she can understand what motherhood is? Mother-child relation is considered to be of purest form. Step mother is never considered to be a good mother but birth mother has always an eminent place in poetry and legend stories.  
Film took place at refugee camp on Iraqi-Turkish border. Main protagonist of film is 13 years old 'Satellite', who is the leader of children. He helped them to earn their bread and protest for their rights. It is amazing how little child is maturely leading his team with strong commanding skill. He is very much popular in his area because he can translate English news into native language.
     Satellite met Agrin, Hanglov and 3 year old kid riga in refugee camp. It seems that satellite is victim of love at first sight but Agrin is unable to reciprocate his feelings. All the time she is thinking about how to get rid of 3 year old riga. She abuses blind riga a lot. She doesn’t want people to know about her secret and that is the only reason they were migrating from one place to another.
      We feel there is hope for the love to blossom between satellite and Agrin. But our prediction is too futile here. Why Agrin hates Riga and tried to kill him. Why she never smiles and looks depressed. What is haunting her? When we come to know her secret we are bound to empathize with her.
 Needless to say that story, cinematography, direction, music and acting are marvelous. Ghobadi created a rear or real world.
       Film will leave us with so many questions like what comes first motherhood or society, humanity or insanity, war or love, creation or destruction… I would recommend this movie to all who love kids and movies.
      In one line must watch before you die…

Thursday 27 March 2014

Serendipity @ Kankariya

We don't have an exact idea of what the situation was during world war 2 but thanks to movies, books and our grand parents we know atleast something about the then human condition. People were deprived of basic necessities of life like food and not to mention 'Life' itself. At many places during that period human race affected by war was only able to eat when government containers brought them something edible. And when that food arrived people would fight each other for their portion and also food for those who cannot be in that crowd to fight. They would kick, pull, claw, push each other for those food packets.Looking at these fishes of Kankariya, I imagine that they must be sharing same sentiments for food. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Birth of My Blog

Before planning a baby, parents have to take care of so many things especially savings. So many thoughts cloud your mind-Would they be able to give baby a good life, education and environment? If parents are Poor, they cannot feed their child properly also cannot provide a healthy environment. If parents want their child to be healthy, they have to feed them good food, nourish their minds with good thoughts and provide them blossoming atmosphere.
So it is a big responsibility to be a parent. This responsibility is doubled when single parent is taking care of a child as he/she will have to play double role of mother and father. You must have read and heard ‘Child is future of any nation’. But it is not necessary that the child I am mentioning here should be human only. It can be anything or anybody like pets, books, movies, your job, mobile, computer and endless things. Yes! You can be a parent at young age.
I was knee deep in confusion that I should have a baby Blog or not? Because of my reticence he/she/it should not be deprived from “Another world”(Internet world). So I gave a thought to plan him. I was very new to this world so very first thing I asked Ami, my colleague or I should say office friend, about how to start and what should I do? Ami was so much into these things or you can say that so many of my office friends are into this stuff. So after lots of thinking one fine day I thought to give birth to this baby of mine.  She explained the whole process to me and then I decided to start. For having a baby first you have to yourself take baby steps. For starting a website first thing required was name. It is very important to give a name to your baby because a nameless pet can belong to anyone. Possessive Huh!
I got confused what to name it. I asked all my near and dear ones as we do when a child is born. But in this case it seemed that only I was excited as no real baby was involved. They all put me on hold and didn’t get back to me.
One day Ami came and I asked her in a sarcastic way if she is still thinking on name. She decided to help me out. It was morning 11. We thought for about half an hour on what to name. She suddenly came with SERENDIPITY. I liked the name. But Harsh, another office friend, was not convinced with it. For a while I gave name SERENDIPITY a good churning in my mind. It has a reflection of my whole life.
I believe in nature. Nature is so unpredictable. You never know what will happen next. But there is chain of unexpected fortune in my life. We have decided to name it- Serendipity. Than it took us two more hours to cut the umbilical cord and introduce it to the world. We were stuck on URL name because it cannot be changed later. And on 13th March, 2014 at 1.43 pm, he was born in internet world. Of course this story would be incomplete without mentioning Shree Shree Shree Vishal Shah. He suggested me to tell the whole story behind baby blog. And this story title ‘Birth of My Blog’ credit goes to Pratiksha Dave.

And today after 7 days he is ready to walk in the aisle. Here he is. He is saying story of his birth to you.